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Getting Started with Users
Who is this article for?Administrators managing users.
Administration Access is required.
Users in Ideagen Academy represent individuals who access the platform for learning or administrative purposes. These users can include learners, instructors, administrators, and other roles, each with their own set of permissions and capabilities within the system.
Tip: Want to know more? See Adding & Importing New Users for more information.
1. Users
- You can use the Users section of the Academy to view, add and manage your users. A user can be either an Administrator, an Instructor or a Learner.
Note: Each customer has a limited number of concurrent users. If the total number of online users in your branch hits your concurrent user limit, other users in your branch will not be able to log in to the Academy.
- To view and manage your users, click the Users button on the dashboard:
- The Operations column allows additional actions:
- Log in as user.
Note: This feature allows administrators to log in as other users for the purpose of troubleshooting. For security reasons, basic administrators cannot "log in as" a professional administrator. Any use of this feature is captured in the audit trail which can be accessed through your Timeline reports.
- View user report.
- Edit user details.
- Delete user.
Note: If you delete a user, they are moved to the archive.
- In addition, if you want to prevent a user from accessing the site without deleting them, click their Active toggle.