Adding a Course and Categories
Who is this article for?Administrators adding courses and categories.
Professional Version Access is required.
Adding courses to Academy is a straightforward process where administrators can upload course content, create course descriptions, and set access permissions. This allows learners to enrol and access the courses, providing a structured and efficient learning experience within the platform.
1. Introduction to Courses
- You can use the Courses section of the Academy to add your own eLearning content.
- Courses hold the actual training content (such as videos, documents or SCORM compatible content quizzes, surveys, etc).
- Courses are owned by the user that creates them.
- A course owner can assign more users as Instructors against the course, giving the instructors the ability to mark assignments, update progress or view reports.
Below is a recording of an online seminar on creating your own Academy courses:
2. Adding a Course
- To add a new course, click the Add Course button.
- The drop-down arrow lets you import a course you have exported from another system.
Course Details | Description |
Course Image: | Including an image can help users quickly identify the course. |
Name* | The course name should accurately describe its content within 255 characters. |
Category | Choose from "My organization's courses" or one of its sub-categories. Where possible, please use the existing categories. |
Type* | Select eLearning (default) or blended learning for instructor-led training. |
Short Description | Provide a summary of the course, including learning outcomes. Utilize the toolbar formatting options, and insert images, tables, and hyperlinks. |
- Once you've entered information in the key fields, either move onto Optional Settings or click Add to add the course.
3. Optional Settings
- The table below shows the optional fields you can fill in:
Optional Field | Description |
Course Code | Enter a code to identify the course. |
Language | Set the language for the course. |
Active | Make the course available to users. |
Enable Discussions | Allow users to create discussions on this course. |
Show on Catalogue | Permit non-enrolled users to access the course from the catalogue. |
Assignment Requires Approval | If non-enrolled user self-enrols to the course, an administrator must approve it. |
Automatically Assign to New Users | New users will be enrolled automatically. |
Base Price | Not currently supported. |
Available For | Specify how many days the course remains active before displaying as Expired. |
Upon Expiration | Choose whether to prevent access for all, only those who completed, or allow access to all users after the course expires. |
Available From / Until | Set the date and time the course will be available. |
CEUs | Define the number of continuous education units (CEUs) the course corresponds to. |
Depends On | Select prerequisite courses that users must complete. |
Certification | Assign a certificate template and choose duration or "Forever" for certificate validity. |
Reassign | Optionally notify users a set number of days before certificate expiry. |
Recertification Behaviour | Choose between updating the existing certificate or issuing a new one when a user retakes the course. |
- After completing these fields, click Add to proceed to the course dashboard, where you can upload content and further edit the course.
4. Course Categories
Categories serve as a method for structuring and organizing your courses and curricula based on their primary topics. When you create a new course, it's crucial to choose an appropriate category for it. Ideagen Academy offers a nested hierarchy of global categories to facilitate the organization of your courses.
Typically, all courses you create should be placed under the main category labelled My Organization's Courses or one of its sub-categories, such as My Organization's courses / Standard Operating Procedures.
The Categories section provides an overview of all existing categories, along with the count of courses assigned to each category throughout the entire Academy, making it easier to manage and categorize your content effectively.
- To create a new category, click Add Category, then enter a name for your category.
- You can also choose to make it a sub-category of an existing category.
- When you create a new category, it will appear in the list with your branch name in blue.
- You can only edit or delete categories that you have created.
- Editing a category: When you do this, you can view all the courses and curricula that currently use this category. You can only do this for categories you have created.
- Deleting a category: You can only delete categories that you have created yourself AND that aren't assigned to any courses / curricula. If you wish to delete a category that is in use, you will need to edit each course / curriculum that uses the category first.