Adding Test Questions
Who is this article for?Administrators adding test questions.
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Seamlessly enhance your assessments by adding test questions. After creating a test, navigate to the Questions tab to either view and reuse existing questions or add new ones, ensuring a tailored and comprehensive evaluation for learners.
1. Adding Test Questions
- The ability to add a new test question will become available after creating a test, or by selecting Go to Tests from the course dashboard and clicking the Questions tab.
- To add a new question, click Add Question and choose the question type required from the list.
- The Add question page displays the required fields based on the question type selected.
Required Fields | Description |
Type | Automatically populated based on the question type selected. You can change the question type using this drop-down list. |
Question Text | Free text field to enter the question text. The toolbar provides various formatting options, and allows you to insert tables, hyperlinks, pictures and/or videos. Additional guidance will display below the question text field for certain question types. |
Options | Depending on the question type selected, various options may be available, see Question Types for details. |
Associated Unit | Optionally select a unit from the lesson that corresponds to the question's topic. |
Difficulty | Mandatory field. Set the difficulty rating for categorization and random question pools (default is Medium). |
Seconds to complete | Optionally set the time limit for the question in seconds or leave blank for no time limit. |
Explanation | Optional free text field for post-test feedback to the learner. Formatting options are available in the toolbar.
Note: The explanation will always be displayed to the user upon completion, regardless of their quiz outcome. |
- Once you have completed the fields, click Save Question. You will be taken to the Questions tab where you can view the newly created question and all existing questions
2. Question Types
The table below details the question types displayed when adding test questions:
Question Type | Description | Options |
Empty spaces | Create textual expressions with missing pieces of text. The learner types the missing words in to complete. |
Free text / file upload | Create open-ended questions whereby the learner enters their answer in a free text field and/or by uploading a file (e.g. an essay in .docx format), which will be manually graded later. |
Free text with keywords | Create open-ended questions whereby the learner enters their answer in a free text field. This type of question can be automatically graded based on the presence, or absence, of keywords (and variants of) in the text (up to a maximum of twenty keywords/terms can be checked). Points are then associated with the presence/absence of each keyword. |
Note: Each keyword can achieve up to 5 points each, or up to -5 for the absence of a keyword. |
Multiple choice – single answer | Create questions with a single correct answer. The learner selects their answer from a choice of two or more options (up to a maximum of twenty). |
Multiple choice – many answers | Create questions with multiple correct answers. The learner selects their answers from a choice of two or more options (up to a maximum of twenty). |
Match | Create questions whereby the learner must match two or more related items (up to a maximum of twenty). Note that unlike drag-and-drop, the same answer can be used multiple times. |
True/False | Create questions whereby the learner must determine if the statement provided is true or false. |
Drag and drop | A variation on the Match question type. Create questions whereby the learner must match two or more related items by dragging and dropping the items together (using one-to-one or many-to-many options, up to a maximum of twenty). Please note that unlike "match questions", the order of items on the left is never randomised, therefore you should use this for questions where you need to put items in the correct order (e.g. first, second, third). | |
Matrix |
Create questions presented in a table/grid whereby the learner can select checkboxes in the grid which correspond to correct information (up to a maximum of twenty rows/columns can be used). |
Note: Click Create Matrix at any time to preview the matrix. |
Hotspot | Upload an image and define a hotspot corresponding to details or sections of the image. The learner clicks the place (hotspot) on the image to complete. |
Fuzzy correctness | Create questions with multiple correct answers and set a correctness percentage for each option. The learner selects a single answer from a choice of two or more options (up to a maximum of twenty) and is graded according to the percentage applied to that option. |