Adding and Marking an Assignment
Who is this article for?Administrators marking assignments.
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Incorporate assignments by specifying whether they are automatically marked as complete upon submission or require administrator review. Additionally, enhance assignment details by adding descriptions and providing downloadable files for learners, and set specific availability dates for assignments if needed.
1. Add an Assignment to a Course
While you can add a variety of quiz questions you can use to test your learners, you may want to test their knowledge in more detail. You can do this through an essay or by completing a questionnaire in a Word document. Below are the steps to adding an assignment to a course:
- In the course's dashboard, click Add Content, then select Add Assignment (to create a new assignment) or Go to Assignments (to use an existing assignment).
You must give the assignment a name. You can also add the following information:
Choose whether the assignment is automatically marked as complete upon learner submission or requires administrator review.
Enhance instructions by including a description to provide context or additional details for the assignment.
Allow learners to download files, such as essay templates, by clicking Choose File and uploading the document from your computer.
If the assignment should only be accessible within specific times, enter the start and/or end dates in the Available From and Available To fields.
- Click Add to save.
2. Marking Assignments
Once you have activated the course and the user reaches the assignment unit, they will be prompted to enter text and/or upload a file, then click the Submit Answer. The Academy can notify you to inform you when a learner completes an assignment by turning on the Assignment Submitted message.
To view all the completed assignments:
- From the course dashboard, click the drop-down arrow beside the assignment's edit button, then click View Submissions.
- A list of all submitted assignments will be displayed. You can either download them all by clicking Download All Submissions or view an individual submission by clicking the edit button.
- To mark an assignment, click the edit button, click the Grade tab, then provide the following information:
- Status: This can be Incomplete, Passed, Failed or Pending. This status will be visible to the user when they view the course in their training plan.
- Score: This will be a percentage. The score can be used to calculate the overall score for the course for the user. See Course Structure & Rules.
- Comments: These will be visible to the user against the assignment in their training plan.
- Click Grade Submission to save your changes.