Managing and Customising Notifications
Who is this article for?Administratorsmanaging and customising notifications.
Professional Version access will be required.
Effortlessly stay informed and in control with the notifications feature in Ideagen Academy. This tool empowers users to tailor their notification preferences, ensuring a personalised and efficient experience within the platform. Explore the flexibility of staying up-to-date on crucial updates and information, all customized to suit your unique needs.
1. Notifications
You can use the Notifications area of the Academy to manage the email notifications which are generated for your users.
Important: You must NOT can change any of the mail settings in Branch Settings - otherwise notifications will no longer work.
- Click the Notifications button on the dashboard to view the full list of predefined email notifications:
- The Operations column provides options to edit a notification or activate/deactivate a notification.
- Each tab in the Notifications area displays specific email notification information:
Notification Info | Description |
Queue | Shows a list of all pending notification emails. |
Certificate Expirations | Shows a list of all pending notifications regarding certificates that are due to expire. |
Course Expirations | Displays a list of pending notifications due to be sent regarding courses which are due to expire. |
Upcoming Training Sessions | Shows the reminder emails that will be sent to any users registered for upcoming live training sessions. |
History | Displays a list of all notification emails sent. |
Important: The History tab exclusively shows edited notifications. To view past emails, such as Course Enroll messages, customise the corresponding notification by opening and saving it—even without changes. Your branch name will then appear next to the message name, and only post-customisation messages will be accessible in History.
Note: The notification listings in each tab can be downloaded as an Excel-compatible CSV file by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.
2. Activating/Deactivating Notification Emails
Note: Most notifications will be inactive by default (inactive notifications display in red font).
- To activate/deactivate specific email notifications, you first need to open the notification and update it.
- To do this, click the notification name or the pencil icon and click Update.
- The notification will now display with your branch name in a blue banner next to the email title and the activate/deactivate toggle button will be available in the Operations column:
3. Customising Notifications
To customise a notification email, click the notification name or the pencil icon.
- Depending on the notification selected, you will have various options available to customise the email:
- Recipients: Shows the recipient(s) of the email. This can be End User, User's supervisor (branch administrator) or Course instructor.
Important: Do not use the System Admin recipient, as this will send the email to the Ideagen Academy admin team and may be deleted.
- Send time: The event when the email notification will be triggered (for example, 'A day before').
- Subject (end user): The title of the notification which the end user will see in the email subject field.
- Body (end user): The text to be included in the email message as seen by the end user.
- Subject (others): The title of the notification which other recipients (excluding the end user) will see in the email subject field.
- Body (others): The email message text which other recipients (excluding the end user) will see.
- Edit the text in the fields as required. You can also use the blue keyword fields displaying below the Body section to add automatic information such as your branch URL, or the date/time, for example
Finally, click Update to save the customised notification.
Note: If you wish to remove any of the changes made to the notification emails, you can use the [Restore Default Template] button to reset the notification to its original settings.