Navigating My Courses
Who is this article for?Learnersnavigating their courses.
Account Credentials will be required.
This guide will help to efficiently navigate through your courses, ensuring a seamless and productive learning experience. Discover the courses which you are enrolled on, your overall progress and how to download certificates for completed courses.
1. My Courses
Your Academy home screen displays a list of all the courses which you are enrolled. A progress bar displays your overall progress within each course.
- Completed courses are marked, and if you've earned a certificate, you'll find a rosette icon next to the course name.
- Click the icon to download your certificate as a printable or savable PDF.
- To start or resume a course, click on the course name to access the course dashboard.
- Explore additional courses by clicking the red Course Catalogue button above the list of courses.
Note: if you have not been enrolled on any courses your course list will be empty and you will be prompted to view the courses available in the course catalogue.
2. Course Catalogue
Your course catalogue contains a list of all courses created by Ideagen as well as any courses created by your organisation, including the courses you are enrolled on.
- A green In Roster tag is shown against any courses you are enrolled on.
- The search field in the top left allows you to search for specific courses.
- The filter button in the top right allows you to filter the courses in the course catalogue by type of learning (e-Learning or blended learning courses), category or location (for any blended learning courses which include physical or virtual classes).
3. Enrolling on a Course
- To enroll on a course, hover over any course in your course catalogue and click the Info button.
- The course dashboard opens showing additional information about the course:
- To enroll on the course, click the Add to Roster button. You will see a confirmation message and the course will be added to your course list on your Academy home screen.
Note: some courses may need approval from your System Administrator before you can start it. The confirmation message will notify you of this.