Taking Academy Courses
Who is this article for?Learnerswanting to learn about taking Academy courses.
Account Credentials will be required.
This guide provides a guidance on taking Academy courses. Within these sections, you'll find insights and step-by-step instructions, empowering you to make the most of your learning journey.
- How to Take a Course
- Taking Ideagen Courses
- Taking Tests/Quizzes
- Rating a Course
- Unenrolling from a Course
- Further Reading
1. How to Take a Course
- From your Academy home screen, click on the name of the course you wish to start.
- The course dashboard will open, showing additional information about the course and detail of the course content:
- Each course can consist of one or more lessons, and each lesson can consist of one or more learning units. You should start with the first unit of the first lesson and work through the course one unit at a time.
- A learning unit may be a document to read, a video to watch, or an interactive module. There may also be quizzes to test your knowledge and/or feedback surveys to complete as part of a course.
Note: Most Ideagen courses include quizzes and feedback surveys.
- Click the Start Course button to start the course.
- At the end of each learning unit you may be prompted to click a Complete button to progress to the next unit or lesson in the course.
- When you complete all learning units, quizzes and surveys of a course, a message will appear confirming that you have completed the course and will give you options for the next steps.
- If a certificate is awarded to you after completing a course, you will see a notification message.
- You can use the Download Certificate button to download your certificate and print it. You can also view any of your certificates at any time from your Account.
2. Taking Ideagen Courses
There are numerous Ideagen product-focused courses in the Academy from the basics of “getting started” to best practice courses.
- You should complete the Introduction to Academy course to familiarise yourself with the various captions you will see throughout Ideagen courses and how to navigate through the units.
- All Ideagen courses include some narration. You will need speakers or headphones to listen to the narration, although you don’t need audio to gain maximum benefit from each course as captions are always provided.
- The playback bar at the bottom of the screen provides standard controls for navigation through each learning unit of an Ideagen course.
Note: Ideagen courses are not designed for mobile phones.
3. Taking Tests/Quizzes
- Some courses may include a quiz to test your knowledge (including most Ideagen courses).
- At the start of each quiz you will see an introduction screen telling you how many questions are included and the pass mark you must achieve to pass the test.
- Once you have completed the test you will be shown your results:
- Answers marked as correct display in green and answers marked as incorrect display in red.
- If any of the answers need to be marked manually, or checked by your organisation, they will show as Pending. Once pending results have been verified, you will receive a notification message in your Alerts.
4. Rating a Course
- To rate a course, click on the course from your Academy home screen.
- On the left-hand side of the course dashboard below the course image, you will see the rating options.
- Click the number of stars for the rating you wish to give.
5. Unenrolling from a Course
- If you wish to unenroll yourself from a course, click on the course from your Academy home screen.
- On the right-hand side of the course dashboard, click the Options button and select Un-enroll from course.
- Some courses may not provide the option to unenroll yourself, depending on the course settings.
Note: Your System Administrator can also unenroll you from a course(s). Any courses from which you have been unenrolled will be displayed in the Training History tab of your account.